The CreatiVelo Challenge

The inaugural CreatiVelo Challenge and Festival took place across India in 2023. After 70 university teams in India responded to Youth4Planet’s call to build a solar-assisted Cargo Bike as a catalyst for Climate Awareness… an intense CreatiVelo challenge between 8 selected University Teams ensued. They built their respective Active Mobility platforms that they then promoted in their communities, online, radio and television.

For 2024: we expand the CreatiVelo Challenge to Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and your community.

  • Create

  • Make

  • Share

  • Solar powered e-bike

  • CreatiVelo

  • Challenge

  • 17 Sustainable Development Goals

  • Team up

CreatiVelo Challenge

Participate with your team

You are invited to compete and share your team’s sustainable campaign with the world. Download the Rule Handbook for more information: Each registered team needs to document at least 21 days activity over the summer – with all their activities registered in the earthbeat app.

  • The Goal

    To promote Youth-based engagement and inspiration for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals' Transition-topics.

  • Kickoff workshop (for Luxembourg)

    during 16th-21st July 2024, Location: Remerschen

  • Online Coaching & Information

    on request + 1st August + 2nd September 2024.

  • Voting

    1st - 8th November 2024 the Public votes for each category's top spot.

  • The Prizes

    include Best Music, Best Video, Most Miles/Kilometers pedaled, Most Social Interactions, Most Feedback on the Streets, and Most Places Visited.

  • The Public

    will follow you and your fellow participants online. Last year, 26,000 people downloaded our app and there were 70.000 social interactions with CreatiVelo

  • Your Campaign

    launches on 22nd July 2024 and runs through 31st October 2024. You have more than 3 months to develop a team and a campaign idea, pedal your platform & engage with your local community.

  • If you're in Luxembourg:

    local TV RTL news is partnering with us and you may find yourself interviewed.

  • Your Videos

    create with your smart-phone, computer and camera engaging films, interesting stories, artwork and music.

  • Take action

    CreatiVelos are your catalyst for pollinating action and connecting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals within your community.

  • Awards Festival

    The Awards Festival takes place on the 9th November 2024. We will broadcast and celebrate the stories and events of the summer. With artists, exhibitions, music and all the activists, it will be a two-day broadcast exchange of exciting moments, entertainment-fun and the co-creation of new ideas for the 2025 challenge and festival. The location will be announced soon.

Are you up for the challenge?

Apply now!

Contact Us
challenge form EN